[Koha] [Koha-devel] Where would I put the OpenLibrary ID in the MARC record

Nigel Titley nigel at titley.com
Tue Aug 8 22:29:02 NZST 2023

On 24/07/2023 01:11, David Cook wrote:

> You could send a request for an "openlibrary" code to be added to the official Standard Identifier Source Codes list: https://www.loc.gov/standards/sourcelist/index.html#maintenance . Honestly, I'm a little surprised there isn't already an entry for it there. I'm sure they'd approve a request for it.

I've put in a request to the LOC. We'll see if anything comes of it. 
They may request (I would do so in their place) that the request comes 
from the Open Library itself in which case I'll have to chase that route 

Fingers crossed.


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