[Koha] [EXTERNAL] batching imported records viaz39.50

Hernandez, Heather heather_hernandez at nps.gov
Sat Jun 1 04:02:19 NZST 2019

Hi, Luisa--

I can give you some information on your second question:
> Secondly, how do I use OCLC in Z39.50 - can someone help me with
> the procedures to do this please.

You need to pay for a full cataloging subscription to OCLC to use it even
via Z39.50, and you can obtain a quote for that by contacting OCLC Library
Services at libservices at oclc.org .  If you do pay for a full cataloging
subscription, I find that the capabilities of their Connexion Client
interface (or even Connexion Browser interface) offer more and better
options that interacting via Z39.50, but, of course, your setting might
work better via Z39.50, and the OCLC staff can help you evaluate the
options.  Before deciding to pay for OCLC, many libraries also evaluate the
cost of OCLC vs. the workflow efficiencies that using their paid services

Hope this helps!  Cheerio,
Heather Hernandez (she, her, hers)
Technical Services Librarian
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Research Center
2 Marina Blvd., Bldg. E, 3rd floor, San Francisco, CA  94123-1284
415-561-7032, heather_hernandez at nps.gov
Library catalog: http://keys.bywatersolutions.com/

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