[Koha] SIP 2 connection (RAW 6001) only function to 1 machine ONLY

BITE halim4977 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 21:22:31 NZDT 2019

Hi There,
Our koha version 17.11 (ubuntu 14.04) able to connect with SIP2 to one
machine ONLY.
FYI, we have 2 machines (Self-check, Book Drop) and a Tagging Workstation
that needed to be connected concurrently.
If I activated Selfcheck, Book Drop and tagging workstation will be
disconnected from SIP2 .
All 3 above need to be connected from port 6001 (RAW) service.
How do I do that? Please assist me.
Thank you.


Our current settings is a s follows :
      timeout="60" />

      timeout="60" />
<!--- client_timeout times out active connections which have not received
     input from the client. Many persistent connections will send a status
     every 5-7 mins so setting this to less than that will add instability
to the connection
     if explicitly set to zero, no timeout is applied to the connection.
     NB the parameter timeout applies to the login process only and should
be set to a lower value
     to time out failed connections

      <login id="term1"  password="1234567890" delimiter="|"
error-detect="enabled" institution="Main Library" encoding="ascii"
checked_in_ok="1" />
      <login id="koha"   password="koha"  delimiter="|"
error-detect="enabled" institution="kohalibrary" encoding="utf8" />
      <login id="koha2"  password="koha" institution="kohalibrary2"
terminator="CR" />
      <login id="lpl-sc" password="1234" institution="LPL" />
      <login id="lpl-sc-beacock" password="xyzzy"
             delimiter="|" error-detect="enabled" institution="LPL"
             av_field_template="[% accountline.description %] [%
accountline.amountoutstanding | format('%.2f') %]" >
          <screen_msg_regex find="Greetings from Koha." replace="Welcome to
your library!" />
          <screen_msg_regex find="Invalid patron barcode." replace="Barcode
not found, are you sure this is your library card?" />

Institution tags are for enabled branches.  There needs to be one
institution stanza for each institution named in the accounts above.
The implementation attribute is actually used to find the code to run,
in our case "ILS".

    <institution id="Main Library" implementation="ILS" parms="">
          <policy checkin="true" renewal="true" checkout="true"
            status_update="false" offline="false"
            retries="5" />

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