[Koha] Import the MARC21 with Item details

Katrin Fischer katrin.fischer.83 at web.de
Sat Jun 2 23:00:17 NZST 2018


you want one 952 for each item you want to import.

Each 952 should have at least the following fields:

$a and $b the branchcode configured in Koha
$y the itemtype code configured in Koha
$p barcode

$o callnumber can be helpful too

There should be no semicolons or whitespace like below:

Hope that helps,


On 02.06.2018 09:35, Laxmi Lal Menaria wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have marc21 file with more than 20K records, I would need to import in
> the Koha with the barcode, I have updated the Marc21 file with MarcExit
> tool and added items with 952, but still it doesn't reflect in the Koha
> catalog. When tried to use circulation it says invalid.
> So please let me know how can I import marc21 file with barcode data.
> For barcode I have tried these 2 things:
> =952  \\$a2442      ;$b2442      ;$o2442      ;$p2442      ;$yBooks
> =952  \\$p2442
> Both are not working, please let me know how can I fix it.

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