[Koha] How can i count the total catalog entry by user wise

Lennon Mazonde lmmazonde at gmail.com
Fri May 26 00:10:54 NZST 2017

Hi Anastes,

You can  find SQL reports from the Koha SQL Reports wiki here 
Go to More > Reports > Create from SQL. Give the report a name that will 
help you remember what it's for (or just copy and paste the details from 
the SQL Reports wiki).

Then copy and paste the following under the SQL tab.

    SELECT concat(p.firstname, ' ', p.surname) AS staff,
    concat(a.action, ' ', a.info) AS action, count(a.timestamp) AS count
    FROM action_logs a
    LEFT JOIN borrowers p ON (a.user=p.borrowernumber)
    WHERE a.module='CATALOGUING' AND a.timestamp BETWEEN <<Between
    (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>> AND <<and (yyyy-mm-dd)|date>>
           AND a.info IN ('item','biblio')
    GROUP BY p.borrowernumber, concat(a.action, ' ', a.info)

Save the report and run it. Oh, you need to turn the CataloguingLog 
system preference on (More > Administration > Global System Preferences 
 > Logs > CataloguingLog.

Kind regards,

Lennon Mazonde

On 25/05/2017 13:48, Anastes Mp wrote:
> We've 4 staff in our library for catalog entry and each of them have koha
> librarian accounts. We would like analyze their work by counting the total
> number of books they entered.
> How can we count / generate report on the total number of books entered by
> a user?

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