[Koha] Unable to use zebra facets on OPAC in 16.11

Chris Cormack chrisc at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Jan 4 08:30:37 NZDT 2017

* MAKAUTCL WB (makautcl at gmail.com) wrote:
>Hi Tomas,
>I just tried something out something I read in the koha-devel archives -
>since i noticed that my zebra as actually 2.0.62, so here is what I did
>after my last email, I commented out the line <retrieval syntax="xml"
>name="zebra::*" /> in /etc/koha/zebradb/retrieval-info-bib-dom.xml
>and /etc/koha/marc21-retrieval-info-bib-dom.xml and restarted zebra and
>also changed  <use_zebra_facets>0</use_zebra_facets> to
> <use_zebra_facets>1</use_zebra_facets> in my koha-conf.xml
>And now my facets seem to work!!! However, the LIMIT by availability option
>still gives me no results (even with available copies)
>so how do I troubleshoot this further? I guess I''ve come as far as my idea
>about Koha serves me... the rest as they say is "above my pay grade" =)
>so I could sure use some help :D


Have you circulated an item yet? Try issuing and returning one, and then
see if the limit by availability works. 

If so, you have bumped into a bug that I found last week, I will put a
patch up soon, but currently you have to have (at least since you last
did a full reindex) circulated an item.

>On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 10:36 PM, Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen at gmail.com>
>> What does About > System information say?
>> El mar., 3 de ene. de 2017 2:00 PM, MAKAUTCL WB <makautcl at gmail.com>
>> escribió:
>>> Hi List,
>>> I'm facing a problem, I can't seem to get the facets showing in the search
>>> results. The only option I can do now is turn off zebra facets by setting
>>>  <use_zebra_facets>0</use_zebra_facets>, in which case I get the facets
>>> from Koha. However, then I can't get any result in case I try to limit by
>>> availability.
>>> My system setup is as below:
>>> Debian 8.6
>>> Koha 16.11 - deb package installation
>>> IndexData Zebra Package: libidzebra-2.0-0
>>> Source: idzebra
>>> Version: 2.0.59-1
>>> I read up https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=11232
>>> but that shows it as FIXED.
>>> So how do I troubleshoot this one?
>>> thanks in anticipation
>>> -Makaut
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>> --
>> Tomás Cohen Arazi
>> Theke Solutions (https://theke.io <http://theke.io/>)
>> ✆ +54 9351 3513384
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Chris Cormack
Catalyst IT Ltd.
+64 4 803 2238
PO Box 11-053, Manners St, Wellington 6142, New Zealand
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