[Koha] Best way to install missing Perl modules?

Michael Kuhn mik at adminkuhn.ch
Wed Aug 3 22:18:06 NZST 2016


I have built a development system on Ubuntu 14.04 according to 

At the end koha_perl_deps.pl shows me three required Perlmodules 
(Exception::Class, Sereal::Decoder, Sereal::Encoder) that are not yet 
installed in the required version.

Of course, easiest would be to install them via Debian packets - 
libexception-class-perl, libsereal-decoder-perl, libsereal-encoder-perl 
do exist but they don't contain the required versions.

I went through the Koha wiki and found at least four different ways to 
install such missing Perl modules on Debian/Ubuntu.

1. Installation from CPAN using dh-make-perl, resulting in a command like

dh-make-perl –install –cpan Foo::Bar

2. It seems also possible to download the source of the Perl module, 
then use dh-make-perl to create a Debian package that can be installed 
using dpkg

dpkg -i Foo-Bar

2. Installation from CPAN

cpan Foo::Bar

3. Installation from CPAN via perl

perl -MCPAN -e 'shell'
install Foo::Bar

4. Installation from CPAN using CPANMinus

cpanm --local-lib /var/koha/koha-perl Foo::Bar

Now my question: What is the best way to install missing Perl modules on 
a development system? And is there a difference if I need to install 
missing Perl modules on a productive system?

Kind regards, Michael
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
Admin Kuhn GmbH · Pappelstrasse 20 · 4123 Allschwil · Schweiz
T 0041 (0)61 261 55 61 · E mik at adminkuhn.ch · W www.adminkuhn.ch
Geschäftsführer · Diplombibliothekar BBS, Informatiker eidg. Fachausweis
Admin Kuhn GmbH · Pappelstrasse 20 · 4123 Allschwil · Schweiz
T 0041 (0)61 261 55 61 · E mik at adminkuhn.ch · W www.adminkuhn.ch

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