[Koha] Help to assign one barcode each to 10000+ records in mrc file

Owen Leonard oleonard at myacpl.org
Wed Oct 28 04:00:41 NZDT 2015

> I need to assign barcodes as I want these to be counted (item wise)
> through a report showing my library collection.

Is it necessary to have a unique barcode for each item, or just to
have an item for each record? We add "dummy" item records to e-book
records when we import, but we don't bother with a barcode since the
item will never get checked out.

If all require is an item for each record, this can be done without
having to use MarcEdit if you use a MARC modification template:


I can elaborate on our process if that sounds like it would accomplish
what you want.

  -- Owen

Web Developer
Athens County Public Libraries

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