[Koha] Report help

Charlotte Stock charlotte at bu-london.co.uk
Tue Oct 6 23:45:53 NZDT 2015

This must be simple to fix but I'm not fluent enough in Koha-speak to crack the problem. Would anyone be able to help amend this SQL report, so that the results show the title, author and call number for each entry, instead of a hyperlinked biblionumber?

All suggestions gratefully received!

List of titles with specific keyword
SELECT CONCAT('<a href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',biblionumber,'</a>')
AS bibnumber, lcsh
(SELECT biblionumber, ExtractValue(marcxml,'//datafield[@tag="650"]/subfield[@code>="a"]')
AS lcsh FROM biblioitems)
AS subjects
WHERE lcsh

Charlotte Stock
charlotte at bu-london.co.uk<mailto:charlotte at bu-london.co.uk>

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