[Koha] Post recently catalogued books to a Facebook page

Witoszynskyj Stephan stephan at wito.org
Fri Feb 6 08:53:38 NZDT 2015

There’s a small error. I forgot to remove two lines from a previous version:

my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir();
my $dirname = $tmpdir->dirname;


Am 05.02.2015 um 20:40 schrieb Witoszynskyj Stephan <stephan at wito.org>:

> Hi,
> I recently wrote on this list that I’m about to develop a script that posts recently catalogued books to a Facebook page. Well, I found some time faster then I thought, so here’s my simple script. I’ll run it using koha-foreach in a cronjob.
> It does nothing fancy it just posts a list of recently catalogued books in the form 
> author: title
> http://yourlibrary.org/bib/number
> in the time line of a Facebook page. I also tried uploading cover images, but that didn’t work that well.
> Actually, the whole script is rather trivial. Figuring out how to get access tokens for Facebook having the correct permissions took much longer then developing the script. So, I tried to summarize the steps necessary to get the tokens in the script’s comments. I hope they are helpful.
> Cheers,
>  Stephan
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use utf8;
> use Modern::Perl;
> use C4::Context;
> use Facebook::Graph;
> # This program posts a list of recently catalogued books to Facebook "Page". 
> # To be able to get the required access tokens you have to have administrator
> # rights for the page.
> #
> # 1. Register as developer on Facebook's developer site: 
> #    https://developers.facebook.com
> # 2. Add an app on Facebook's developer site. Use "advanced Setup", choose a 
> #    name and the category "Apps for pages". You'll get an app id and an app 
> #    secret
> # 3. get an user access token on https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer 
> #    by clicking "Get Access Token", set the "Extended Permissions" manage_pages and publish_actions (make sure that you do that for your app and not for Graph Explorer)
> # 4. extend the expiration date of the access token by submitting the following
> #    GET request: 
> #    /oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token&client_id={app-id}&client_secret={app-secret}&fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token} 
> #    You can this using wget:
> #    wget -O token "https://graph.facebook.com/wget -O token "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token&client_id={app-id}&client_secret={app-secret}&fb_exchange_token={short-lived-token} 
> #    the file token will then contain your token
> # 5. determine your user id e.g. by http://graph.facebook.com/yourusername
> # 6. get the page access token by submitting the following GET request in 
> #    Graph API explorer:
> #      /{user-id}/accounts
> #    You will get a data structure containing a number of key
> #    value pairs for each page you administrate. Get the page id and page 
> #    access token for the page you want to post to
> my $fb_access_token = „"; # your page access token goes here
> my $maxdays = 7;
> my $base_url = 'http://yourlibrary.org';
> my $fb = Facebook::Graph->new;
> $fb->access_token($fb_access_token);
> my $tmpdir = File::Temp->newdir();
> my $dirname = $tmpdir->dirname;
> my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
> my $query = "SELECT b.biblionumber,b.author,b.title,i.itemcallnumber FROM biblio b, items i WHERE b.biblionumber = i.biblionumber AND DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE,b.datecreated) < ? GROUP BY b.biblionumber,b.author,b.title,i.itemcallnumber ORDER BY i.itemcallnumber,b.author COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci";
> my $sth   = $dbh->prepare($query);
> $sth->execute($maxdays);
> my @data;
> my $message = "Recently catalogued books\n\n";
> my $rows_returned = 0;
> while (@data = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
>  my $biblionumber   = $data[0];
>  my $author         = $data[1];
>  my $title          = $data[2];
>  my $itemcallnumber = $data[3];
>  if ($author) {
>    $message .= $author.": ";
>  }
>  $message .= $title."\n";
>  $message .= $base_url.'/bib/.$biblionumber."\n\n";
>  $rows_returned++;
> }
> if ($rows_returned) {
>  my $response = $fb->add_post
>    ->set_message($message)
>    ->publish;
>  # print $response->as_string()."\n";
>  # my $msg_id = $response->as_hashref()->{id};
> }
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