[Koha] Big problem in Staff Client, Koha 3.14.5
Claudio Kutufà
claudiok at nexusfi.it
Thu May 29 21:26:21 NZST 2014
Hello to everyone
I found the problems and I fixed it. I think it can be useful for everyone
to know what was the problem and how I could fix it. Maybe someone else one
day could go into same trubles :-)
Following what Zeno Tajoli suggested me, I investigated the page source of
the webpage that appeared almost all "white" and I found out that there was
some wrong html: wrong html tags such as <HTML/>. I would like to cut and
paste some of that bad formatted html but maybe it would also make
unreadable some parts of this email. If someone is interested I can send
some screenshot. (later I try to send an email with the html wrong code).
Due to the "blank" page, I couldn't access to the staff client and
investigate in the Global System Preferences. Due also to the terrible
internet connection of the server (in Eritrea) I couldn't use a normal
browser MySQL iterface to access the database and search for that code - I
had to work during the night to have a little bit better connection !
So I made a mysqldump of the whole database, I used the grep to see if
there was the bad html line and... succes !! It was there. I deleted the
bad html tags and reload the dump into the database (of course I previously
made a backup). Magically I could access again to the staff client (I admit
I was lucky) and see everything.
There were still some not well working items, for example it was impossible
to see the patrons' information (the page was keeping going on loading
loading loading...)
Keeping investigatind the dump of the database, I found out that there were
many html bad tags in many global system preferences (especially in the
field where the library-opac manager can put some html code, for example
opacheader and so on.).
Fixing this bad formatted fields in the staff-client Global System
Preferences, everything worked again !
So, a suggestion for new or not expert Koha users: pay a lot of attention
when you put some html formatted code !!! If you are not more than sure
about your html (but I would suggest "always") make a backup of the
database before adding html to your opac throught the staff client!
Otherwise you risk to "go out without the key and close the door behind
you" :-)
Claudio K.
P.S. I'll send also a mail with the bad html code to show how simple was
the problem, I hope you can read it
At 18.08 30/04/2014 +0200, Claudio Kutufà wrote:
>Hi again
>I got a screenshot from the guys/girls of the staff
>Actually over the koha logo it is possible to see the small menu words
>"Circulation" "Patrons" Search" "Cart" and "more" but, as they say:
>1st) the other part of the page is completely white, there are not the
>usual bottons
>2nd) when clicking, all the menus - except the "search" - don't bring any
>thanks a lot again
>At 17.04 30/04/2014 +0200, Claudio Kutufà wrote:
>>hello all
>>I have a big problem in the staff client. The Koha version is 3.14.5
>>installed on april the 15th.
>>Unfortunately I cannot access to the server because it is in Eritrea
>>(they have an extremely slow connection to internet) and I'm in Italy
>>now. So I should suggest something to the people who are in charge of the
>>koha server nowdays.
>>We installed Koha 3.14 and it was working perfectly. We catalogued about
>>50 books/eBooks and I left it perfectly working. Yesterday the staff
>>peole mailed me telling that they are not able to do anything anymore in
>>the staff client. I'll try to explain better:
>>The opac is pefectly working, but when they try to access to the Staff
>>Cleint (on port 8080) they aalway see an almost complete white page !
>>They see (and they sent me a screenshot) just the Koha logo on the left
>>top. No other menu voices are available !!
>>This happens whichever are the us/pwd they use. Also if they use the
>>embedded us/pw (the credentials that you can find in /etc7koha.conf) they
>>get just the "white page".
>>They swear that they didn't do anything on that server, but all this make
>>me think that it is a server problem and not a koha configuration problem.
>>Do you have any idea about this strange thing ?
>>Can you suggest me something to check ?
>>Thanks a lot in advance !!
>>Claudio K.
>>Ing. Claudio Kutufa'
>>e-mail ufficio: claudiok at nexusfi.it
>>e-mail personale: claudio.kutufa at gmail.com
>>Via Vamba Luigi Bertelli, 16
>>50135 Firenze - Italy
>>Cell.: +39 335 5859567
>>Tel.abitazione: +39 055 400743
>>Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
>>Koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
>>Nessun virus nel messaggio.
>>Controllato da AVG - www.avg.com
>>Versione: 2014.0.4570 / Database dei virus: 3931/7419 - Data di
>>rilascio: 30/04/2014
>Ing. Claudio Kutufa'
>e-mail ufficio: claudiok at nexusfi.it
>e-mail personale: claudio.kutufa at gmail.com
>Via Vamba Luigi Bertelli, 16
>50135 Firenze - Italy
>Cell.: +39 335 5859567
>Tel.abitazione: +39 055 400743
>Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
>Koha at lists.katipo.co.nz
>Nessun virus nel messaggio.
>Controllato da AVG - www.avg.com
>Versione: 2014.0.4570 / Database dei virus: 3931/7419 - Data di rilascio:
Ing. Claudio Kutufa'
e-mail personale: claudiok at nexusfi.it
Via Dante da Castiglione, 33
Tel. : +39 055 229413 Fax : +39 055 2286167
50125 Firenze - Italy
Nexus home page: www.nexusfi.it
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