[Koha] Upgrade - 3.06 to 3.14

Tom Hanstra hanstra at nd.edu
Wed May 21 02:16:46 NZST 2014

To follow up on this a bit more, some of my problems were from strict 
checking in MySQL (see separate post) but a lot of others fall into 
these categories:

- Tables which already exist
- Columns which already exist
- Unable to write duplicate keys

Some of these might be OK to let ride.  Others I'm not so sure about.  
How can I best tell if the database after upgrade is missing anything?  
Are there integrity checks which can be run or do we just have to 
stumble on problems if/when we are missing functionality?


On 5/12/14, 12:25 PM, Tom Hanstra wrote:
> When upgrading my database between the 3.06.04 version to the 3.14.05
> version, I'm getting a lot of database update errors.  How do I best
> track down whether these are causing integrity problems with the data?
> I can provide a complete list of errors, but maybe I'm missing something
> more fundamental.
> Thanks,
> Tom


      Tom Hanstra                              Systems Administrator
      Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame         Phone: (574)631-4686
      208 Hesburgh Library                     Email: hanstra at nd.edu
      Notre Dame, IN  46556

      The nights are getting warmer, it won't be long.
      Won't be long 'til summer comes...                  Thin Lizzy

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