[Koha] Vendor number in serials records

Elaine Bradtke eb at efdss.org
Tue Mar 4 08:43:02 NZDT 2014

We have over 200 active serial subscriptions, and 195 different vendors
(ah, the joys of an esoteric collection). The vendor information has been
successfully converted and uploaded to our test site. This in turn
generated vendor numbers, which have been extracted so we know which serial
should link to what vendor number.
It would be a simple thing to add these vendor numbers to the serials
records during the conversion process prior to upload.  But, unless I'm
missing something, this number doesn't go into the MARC record.  If it
does, what field (MARC 21)?

Where would the vendor number need to go in order to add the vendor number
to the incoming serials records? Another table in the database?

I hope this is doable, otherwise my colleague who deals with the serials is
going to have a tedious job manually linking them.

Elaine Bradtke
Data Wrangler
English Folk Dance and Song Society | http://www.efdss.org
Cecil Sharp House, 2 Regent's Park Road, London NW1 7AY
Tel    +44 (0) 20 7485 2206 (This number is for the English Folk Dance and
Song Society in London, England. If you wish to phone me personally, send
an e-mail first. I work off site)
Registered Company No. 297142
Charity Registered in England and Wales No. 305999
"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture"
--Elvis Costello (Musician magazine No. 60 (October 1983), p. 52)

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