[Koha] Barcode population/import

tony.h tony.hetrick at keiin.kg
Sun Jun 15 20:33:01 NZST 2014


Apparently, I'm missing something in the documentation that should be common
to many library setups: Importing or creating barcodes

 * Using an ISBN list, we have successfully used MarcEdit to build the MARC
records from the LOC
 * We inturn imported the .mrc file into Koha
 * However, without the barcodes, we can't checkin/checkout any books
 * We could manually edit each item and enter it (painful!). Or we could
write some SQL code to enter it based on the matching ISBN number, but I
read that the Zebra indexing needs to be rebuilt following that. Which leads
me to believe that there is an easier way...

What are the best options for going about this?
1) Does Koha have an auto-barcode generation tool? If so, where is it?
2) What is the procedure for importing a list of barcodes that correspond to
the matching ISBN number?

Best Regards,

View this message in context: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Barcode-population-import-tp5801018.html
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