[Koha] Koha 3.12.2 released
Tomas Cohen Arazi
tomascohen at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 13:09:00 NZST 2013
The Koha community is proud to announce the release of 3.12.2.
This is a maintenance release and contains many bugfixes and
Please read the "New dependencies" section of this release notes if you are
upgrading from a previous version.
As always you can download the release from
22 Jul 2013
Koha is the first free and open source software library automation package
(ILS). Development is sponsored by libraries of varying types and sizes,
volunteers, and support companies from around the world.
The website for the Koha project is
Koha 3.12.2 can be downloaded from:
Installation instructions can be found at:
OR in the INSTALL files that come in the tarball
Koha 3.12.2 is a bugfix/maintenance release.
It includes 9 enhancements and 50 bugfixes.
New dependencies
* Library::CallNumber::LC
IMPORTANT: in order to fix annoying bugs related to call numbers a new
dependency is introduced for this release (Library::CallNumber::LC). This
means people using packages will have to do
$ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
instead of the normal
$ sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade
As usual, people building from sources should run
$ ./koha_perl_deps -m -u
to check for missing dependencies before running the upgrade process.
Enhancements in 3.12.2
Architecture, internals, and plumbing
9370 Use Library::CallNumber::LC when splitting LC call numbers for spine
10488 New MARC21 authority tags and subfields should be propagated to
non-default frameworks
10431 Spanish Zebra language definition file
MARC Bibliographic data support
5858 Update default MARC21 framework to Update No. 16 (April 2013)
10141 Enable "18-21 Illustrations" and "24-27 Nature of contents" options
for marc21_field_008.pl plugin
10245 OPAC items table CSS classes
10411 Add cache control headers to static resources in the apache config
10524 Dependency updates to account for liblibrary-callnumber-lc-perl
10315 Use easier readable font for generated passwords
Critical bugs fixed in 3.12.2
10384 major Software error when LDAP connexion fails
10490 major Overdue fines cap (amount) in circulation rules is saved
incorrectly (rounded)
10560 major No way to disable english
Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)
10443 major Table borrower_files does not exists in kohastructure.sql file
10590 critical In opac-topissues limit param is not protected
6553 major Parentheses in corporate author break tracings
8884 major Opacheader is not in the header on CCSR
766 major Use of CGI::scrolling_list prevents customization in template
Other bugs fixed in 3.12.2
4907 normal Suggestions "organize by" menu doesn't reflect current choice
10317 normal Parcel should display a message when called with an
nonexistent invoiceid
10475 normal Item form in acquisition not hiding subfields properly
10535 minor By default sort funds by name
10029 normal CAS authentication fails in OPAC reserve
9113 normal Batch modification removes +
9533 normal Batch item modification should ignore defaults
9826 normal Missing fields in MARC21 authority framework
10428 trivial Undefined check in add additem.pl
10529 minor Dollar sign hardcoded in patron message
10425 minor Help page missing for Local Use preferences
10447 normal Language definitions for 'ru' and 'uk' are not available
during install
Installation and upgrade (command-line installer)
10548 trivial Koha_perl_deps.pl miscounts dependencies displayed
Installation and upgrade (web-based installer)
10474 normal Translate some missed English strings in German sample notices
10534 minor Update of italian SQL files [3.12 only]
5894 normal Adding multiple items from a cart to a list shows only the
first title
10439 normal Cannot modify the notice's library
7110 normal Renewal messages still displays in OPAC if OpacRenewalAllowed
is disabled.
9541 normal Opac-user doesn't load correct CSS for multiple branches
8911 minor Docs/history.txt file missing for about.pl
10510 minor OPAC's renew selected link has glitchy icon
9890 normal Fix the new plugin system for package installs
10379 minor Koha-rebuild-zebra gets noisy if no instances are defined
10297 minor Categorycode and branchcode should be required when adding
10507 trivial Typo when warning about creating duplicate patron attribute
10396 minor Catalog stats shows calendar in callnumber field
10484 normal Serials-edit.pl not checking for barcode field before checking
for barcode subfield
Staff Client
6281 normal Bug in LCC sort routine
9665 normal Staff client bibliographic record export missing some options
available in the OPAC
10496 normal CCSR theme OPAC tabs to not show correct active state
10497 normal Star ratings not showing right in ccsr detail
10444 minor In advanced search(more), [+] and [-] should behave like links
on hover
10464 minor Patron search on placing a hold doesn't use
10466 minor Lists: Use "size" as names/hash keys leads to an unexpected
results when using Template::Toolkit (name of a virtual method there)
9519 trivial Wrong language code for Italian in the advanced search
language limitations
10346 trivial "Add multiple copies" should be labelled "Add multiple items"
10494 trivial KohaBranchName sends useless warnings to log if supplied
library code is null or not present
Test Suite
10289 normal UT: Reserves.t needs to create its own data
10336 normal UT: HoldsQueue.t needs to create its own data
10386 normal UT: VirtualShelves.t needs some more adjustments
10495 minor T/db_dependent/HoldsQueue.t can fail unnecessarily
Z39.50 / SRU / OpenSearch Servers
10458 trivial Remove obsolete Z3950 module and test
System requirements
Important notes:
* Perl 5.10 is required
* Zebra is required
The Koha manual is maintained in DocBook.The home page for Koha
documentation is
As of the date of these release notes, only the English version of the
Koha manual is available:
The Git repository for the Koha manual can be found at
Complete or near-complete translations of the OPAC and staff
interface are available in this release for the following languages:
* English (USA)
* Arabic (90%)
* Armenian (99%)
* Chinese (China) (61%)
* Chinese (Taiwan) (90%)
* Czech (55%)
* Danish (100%)
* English (New Zealand) (93%)
* French (99%)
* French (Canada) (99%)
* German (100%)
* German (Switzerland) (99%)
* Greek (56%)
* Italian (100%)
* Kurdish (92%)
* Norwegian Bokmål (64%)
* Portuguese (92%)
* Portuguese (Brazil) (91%)
* Slovak (100%)
* Spanish (100%)
* Turkish (99%)
Partial translations are available for various other languages.
The Koha team welcomes additional translations; please see
for information about translating Koha, and join the koha-translate
list to volunteer:
The most up-to-date translations can be found at:
Release Team
The release team for Koha 3.12.2 is
Release Manager: Jared Camins-Esakov <jcamins at cpbibliography.com>
Documentation Manager: Nicole C Engard <nengard at gmail.com>
Installation Documentation Managers:
Samuel Desseaux <samuel.desseaux at ecp.fr>
Mason James <mtj at kohaaloha.com>
Translation Manager: Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <bgkriegel at gmail.com>
QA Manager: Katrin Fischer <Katrin.Fischer at bsz-bw.de>
QA Team: Chris Cormack <chrisc at catalyst.net.nz>
Marcel de Rooy <M.de.Rooy at rijksmuseum.nl>,
Jonathan Druart <jonathan.druart at biblibre.com>,
Brendan Gallagher <brendan at bywatersolutions.com>
Kyle Hall <kyle at bywatersolutions.com>
Mason James <mtj at kohaaloha.com>
Paul Poulain <paul.poulain at biblibre.com>
Bug Wranglers: Magnus Enger <magnus at enger.priv.no>
Packaging Manager: Robin Sheat <robin at catalyst.net.nz>
Live CD Manager: Nguyen Quoc Uy <nguyenquocuy_1102 at yahoo.com>
VM Manager: Samuel Desseaux <samuel.desseaux at ecp.fr>
Release Maintainer (3.8.x): Chris Hall <chrish at catalyst.net.nz>
Release Maintainer (3.10.x): Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel <
bgkriegel at gmail.com>
Release Maintainer (3.12.x): Tomás Cohen Arazi <tomascohen at gmail.com>
We thank the following libraries who are known to have sponsored
new features in Koha 3.12.2:
* Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
We thank the following individuals who contributed patches to Koha 3.12.2.
* 13 Tomas Cohen Arazi
* 1 Jared Camins-Esakov
* 3 Colin Campbell
* 15 Galen Charlton
* 1 David Cook
* 1 Chris Cormack
* 6 Jonathan Druart
* 1 Magnus Enger
* 3 Katrin Fischer
* 1 Chris Hall
* 3 Kyle M Hall
* 5 Bernardo Gonzalez Kriegel
* 1 Sonia LEMAIRE
* 9 Owen Leonard
* 1 Sophie Meynieux
* 1 Liz Rea
* 4 Marcel de Rooy
* 7 Fridolyn SOMERS
* 5 Robin Sheat
* 1 Juan Sieira
* 1 Silvia Simonetti
* 1 Mark Tompsett
* 1 Marc Veron
We thank the following companies who contributed patches to Koha 3.12.2
* 9 ACPL
* 3 BSZ BW
* 15 BibLibre
* 3 ByWater-Solutions
* 1 C & P Bibliography
* 8 Catalyst
* 15 Equinox
* 1 Libriotech
* 3 PTFS-Europe
* 1 Prosentient Systems
* 4 Rijksmuseum
* 1 Xercode
* 1 cineca.it
* 19 unidentified
* 1 veron.ch
We also especially thank the following individuals who tested patches
for Koha 3.12.2.
* 82 Tomas Cohen Arazi
* 1 Jared Camins-Esakov
* 93 Galen Charlton
* 4 David Cook
* 36 Chris Cormack
* 11 Jonathan Druart
* 2 Nicole C. Engard
* 1 Magnus Enger
* 22 Katrin Fischer
* 30 Kyle M Hall
* 2 Mason James
* 5 Owen Leonard
* 7 Marcel de Rooy
* 3 Robin Sheat
* 1 Silvia Simonetti
* 3 Srdjan
* 2 Mirko Tietgen
* 2 Cedric Vita
We regret any omissions. If a contributor has been inadvertently missed,
please send a patch against these release notes to
koha-patches at lists.koha-community.org.
Revision control notes
The Koha project uses Git for version control. The current development
version of Koha can be retrieved by checking out the master branch of
The branch for this version of Koha and future bugfixes in this release
line is 3.12.x.
The last Koha release was 3.12.1, which was released on June 23, 2013.
Bugs and feature requests
Bug reports and feature requests can be filed at the Koha bug
tracker at
He rau ringa e oti ai.
(Many hands finish the work)
More information about the Koha
mailing list