[Koha] Don't pass out bad instructions (was Re: How frequently to run zebra rebuild and what switches)

Chris Cormack chris at bigballofwax.co.nz
Thu Aug 22 19:10:55 NZST 2013

On 22 August 2013 19:04, Hilton Gibson <hilton.gibson at gmail.com> wrote:
> What if you want to deviate from what the "packages" installation does?
> In the open source world, it has been my experience that a "tarball"
> installation is always preferred, since it allows you install anywhere, not
> just Debian.
I must have spent the last 20 years in another open source world then.
In my experience, using a packaged system for your distro is almost
always preferred because it is much much much easier to upgrade.
Also you were writing instructions for ubuntu, a debian based distro,
which the packages work fine for, and even adding the repository as an
apt source.

You are of course free to install any way you want, but we are also
free to tell people that using the packages is a better idea if you
can. Since they configure all the cron jobs, back ups, allow multiple
sites on one machine, and many many more things.


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