[Koha] Marc framework errors

Paul paul.a at aandc.org
Tue Apr 23 07:16:22 NZST 2013

At 10:44 AM 4/22/2013 -0700, rfblanchard wrote:
>This is probably to specific a problem to be useful to anyone but here goes:
>This problem was caused by a bug in how 'Toad For mysql' deals with tiny int
>values in version When I exported marc_subfield_structure from a
>clean koha and imported into my upgraded koha I got the error above. I later
>learned that toad exported the the 'tab' field as only 0 or 1, but it should
>have contained values 0-10. I decided to use the heidiSQL administrator to
>do the export/import and my marc framework turned out perfect.

A colleague raised this with me (separate project) a couple of months ago. 
Apparently Toad has some glitches with MySQL 5.5 (the most popular 
release???) but was fairly reliable on previous versions. What version are 
you using?

Just curious, but why use Toad? Dump and restore are relatively trivial; 
from my notes:

*** change date on dump filename as required ***

Backup [dump] :
/$ mysqldump --user=koha --password=****** koha385 > 

Restore :
/$ mysql --user=koha --password=****** koha385 < 

and a 2 line shell script allows you to make this into a CRON job as soon 
as you're happy it works to your liking :}

Best regards,

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