[Koha] volunteer to identify Koha features

Lori Bowen Ayre lori.ayre at galecia.com
Thu Aug 4 02:56:32 NZST 2011

Hi All,

I'm working on a project to develop a comprehensive Koha Feature List.  I'm
also doing it for Evergreen.  I have a first draft of the Evergreen features
and I'd like to use that list as the source for my Koha list.  What I need
is someone (or someones) who could volunteer some time to review the
Evergreen feature and give me a quick yes or no (or don't know) for those
features that are also present in Koha.

If you know Koha, this should go quickly for you.  And any help is provided.
If you are willing to get a list of 10, 50, 100 Evergreen features from me
that you could indicate whether they are also Koha features or not....that
would be awesome.

Let me know if you are willing and how many I can send you!

Lori Bowen Ayre //
Library Technology Consultant / The Galecia Group
Oversight Board & Communications Committee / Evergreen
(707) 763-6869 // Lori.Ayre at galecia.com

<Lori.Ayre at galecia.com>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
workflow optimization, and materials handling
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