[Koha] Is there a way to get the biblionumber into MARC field 001 for bib records?

Magnus Enger magnus at enger.priv.no
Sun Apr 17 03:31:20 NZST 2011

Hi all!

Norway will soon have a new meta-search for libraries, based on
harvesting records through OAI-PMH and creating a central index. One
of the requirements for getting into the meta-search is that the last
part of the OAI-PMH record identifiers (e.g. "2" in
"oai:bibkat.no:NO-1120127:2") corresponds to the contents of MARC
field 001. What it actually looks like does not matter too much, as
long as it is a *locally* unique identifier for the record.

An easy fix for this would be to put the biblionumber into MARC field
001. Is there a way to do this without changing the code of Koha? E.g.
some trick with frameworks and mappings? I have tried to think of
something clever, but have come up empty handed...

(I have created a bug related to this, suggesting that 001 always be
used as the identifier for OAI-PMH, or that a syspref be created to
let a library choose whether to use biblionumber or 001 as identifier
for OAI-PMH:
http://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=6198 )

Best regards,
Magnus Enger

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