[Koha] Receiving serials item: customize item subfield population

Christopher Curry ccurry at amphilsoc.org
Wed Feb 3 06:45:28 NZDT 2010

Hello everyone.

A few questions about serials:

I'm working on getting the serials module working correctly (or at least 
limping along). When receiving a new item from within a subscription 
record, some data is automatically generated in the item record. The 
call number is applied (as defined in system preferences 
"itemcallnumber") and "serialseq" ( from serialitems table) is inserted 
into $v - Cost, replacement price. The latter is obviously a mistake, 
and is easy enough to fix by editing line 73 of 
replacing "v" with "h" to populate $h - Serial Enumeration / chronology 
with "serialseq" instead.

<http://pastebin.com/m4e03ad68>function unHideItems(index,labelindex, 
serialId) {
        subfield = document.getElementById(index);
        subfield.style.display = 'block';
        label = document.getElementById(labelindex);
        // Prefilling 995$v with issue number
        // Getting item id
        itemid = $("fieldset#" + index + " 
div.cataloguing_additem_itemlist div.items").attr("id");
        // Getting subfield id
        subfieldid = "subfield" + itemid.substr(4) + "v";
        // Setting text field
        $("#" + subfieldid + " input[type='text']").val($("#serialseq" + 

I was pointed to the following bug that deals with this issue:
Bug http://bugs.koha.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=3899 normal, 
PATCH-Sent, ---, nengard at gmail.com, NEW, Receive Serial Item Has Copy 
Info in Wrong Field

However, I'm trying to do a more involved customization to populate $h 
with "publisheddate" from the serialitems table and append "serialseq" 
to the call number in $o. Any tips on how I can achieve this?

I tried copying the js from above and changing the subfield to o and 
replacing serialseq with publisheddate, but this doesn't output the 
publisheddate field; it also overwrites the call number generated by 
system preferences, rather than appending to the end of it, so I guess 
something more sophisticated is necessary?
In addition, $c, shelving location is missing from this form...I checked 
the MARC Bibliographic Framework and the code for the hidden field of 
952$c is correct & it displays correctly when creating a non-serial item.

Thanks for your time.



Christopher Curry
Assistant Technical Librarian / Assistant IT Officer

American Philosophical Society
105 South Fifth Street
Philadelphia, PA 19106-3386
Tel. (215) 599-4299

ccurry at amphilsoc.org <mailto:ccurry at amphilsoc.org>

*For technical support, please use helpdesk at amphilsoc.org 
<mailto:helpdesk at amphilsoc.org>*
Main Library number: (215)440-3400
APS website: http://www.amphilsoc.org

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