[Koha] problems decompressing file koha-3.00.04_fixed.tar.gz

Rick Welykochy rick at praxis.com.au
Fri Dec 3 14:29:26 NZDT 2010

virginia wrote:

> Hello, I'm having trouble decompressing the file downloaded from
> http://download.koha-community.org/koha-3.00.04_fixed.tar.gz. I get an error
> message saying there's not enough disk space for the files, and this is NOT
> true, I have a couple of Gigabytes (and that is for sure, I have no doubt about
> this) and the message says I have 200 MB, 300 MB, even 0 Bytes! Every time I try
> decompressing it gives me a different number (a false one), and I have no idea
> why this happens. Could it be that the file is corrupt?

We need a bit more information before offering advice.

1. What operating system and version re you using?
2. What utility are you using to decompress the archive?
3. Can you get an archive listing ti ensure that the file is not corrupt?
    e.g. tar tfvz koha-3.00.04_fixed.tar.gz


Rick Welykochy || Praxis Services

aibohphobia  -  the fear of palindromes

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