[Koha] anonymize circulation history

Rachel Hollis Rachel.Hollis at stevenshenager.edu
Sat May 9 03:41:20 NZST 2009

You guys are fantastic! Fortunately we have a test database that is a near mirror (fubar records and all) of our production database. If we can fix the test database, we’ll be golden! Oh sure, some data will be irretrievably lost but that is a minor inconvenience compared to our current situation. As I thought about this throughout the day, I realized that not only will our items be able to circulate normally again, we’ll be able to de-accession (delete) the items that are on permanent ;-) loan.

Question: how would items that have been reissued be affected? Those items are on the overdues list, appear overdue in the item record attached to the biblio but on the patron record display the actual due date. I’m not too worried about my library but the other library has a larger circulation and many of those fubar items have been reissued. Perhaps we run the SQL again after those items are returned (they are all due at the same time) in two weeks?

Rachel Hollis, librarian
Stevens-Henager College, Boise Idaho Campus

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