[Koha] "Go" Button on search pages

Lenora Oftedahl OFTL at critfc.org
Thu May 7 08:08:44 NZST 2009

Ok. Venting first, as the vent leads to the question.  Customer sends a long diatribe about how Koha is not user friendly with log-ins, etc.  And on the Search screens, the buttons are small and marked "Go".  Mind you this person drives me up the wall with constant negativity, but honestly, the buttons are small and "Go" isn't really the same as "Search"

So, is there a way to change the buttons to say "Search Now" with user preferences?

Oh, and thank you to Owen Leonard for the FABULOUS blog on changing the system preferences to change pages.  I've modified the catalog a bit to match more and hide other stuff that needed to be hidden because otherwise the customer above was too confused about how to use the software.  Yes, I'm pretty sure StreamNet is the only library he has ever visited.

StreamNet Regional Librarian
Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission

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