[Koha] Multiple LDAPs

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Wed Jun 10 06:11:30 NZST 2009

Hi Ian,

2009/6/9 Walls, Ian <Ian.Walls at med.nyu.edu>:
> 3.       Either check a third LDAP, or just use the internal Koha login
> authentication (can one mix and match LDAP auth and Koha DB auth?).


> Does the existing code support this, or would a modification need to be
> made?  If it already does, how can I go about setting it up?  If it doesn’t,
> where in the code should I look to make the enhancement?

It would be necessary to modify the existing code, mostly in
C4/Auth_with_ldap.pm.  Most of the work would consist of refactoring
that module to handle multiple ldapserver elements in koha-conf.xml
without breaking existing LDAP configurations and and implementing the
fallback logic you're looking for.


Galen Charlton
VP, Research & Development, LibLime
galen.charlton at liblime.com
p: 1-888-564-2457 x709
skype: gmcharlt

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