[Koha] Matching rules on record import

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Fri Feb 20 03:47:00 NZDT 2009


On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 5:23 AM, Cab Vinton <bibliwho at gmail.com> wrote:
> It would be nice if during the import process Koha could check a
> sequence of matchpoints when checking for duplicate holdings (e.g.,
> first check ISBN, then LCCN, etc.) This is currently not possible,
> however, right?

You can define multiple matchpoints in an import matching rule.  To do
this, you start by setting a match threshold.  The specific value
doesn't matter, but 1000 is a good default.  You can then add more
multiple match points and assign a numeric score to each.

For example, suppose your rule has a threshold of 1000, and you want
to consider LCCN, ISBN, and biblios.net record number.  The
biblios.net ID is stable, so you could trust that it's a good
matchpoint and give it a score of 1000 - which means that if there's a
match on biblios.net ID, it's enough to identify a record to overlay.
Let's say you don't trust the ISBN or LCCN as much, and give each a
score of 500.  That means that a record doesn't match on biblios.net
ID, it would have to match on both ISBN and LCCN to reach the
threshold of 1000.


Galen Charlton
VP, Research & Development, LibLime
galen.charlton at liblime.com
p: 1-888-564-2457 x709
skype: gmcharlt

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