[Koha] A sad situation

vimal kumar vimal0212 at yahoo.com
Sat May 31 17:28:04 NZST 2008

Dear Friends,

I was in a dilemma. We were using Koha 2.5 on Fedora 3. Our server computer damaged recently and we could not retrieve the Koha database. We tried to install Koha 2.2.9 on Fedora 4. We could install all perl modules, while starting isntalltion it says ZOOM remaining to install.  Our system admin could not solve this problem. He says that ZOOM run properly only with MySQL 5. I suggested installing Koha 3. But our system admin familiar with Red Hat system (we have RH EL-5) and he is not ready to try Debian. It is very sad not able to install Koha 3 on Red Hat based systems. I hope that you can suggest a solution to this problem. 

Vimal Kumar 
Asst. Librarian
Asian School of Business 
Trivandrum-695 581 

"I forget what I was taught. I only remember what I have learnt" -Patrick White


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