[Koha] OpenSuse 10.3 and Koha 3 -- Attempt Two

gsl gsl at rollinghills.lib.mo.us
Fri May 30 09:36:48 NZST 2008

OK, we decided that our first OpenSuse 10.3/Koha 3 install attempt was 
hopelessly mangled, so we restarted from scratch with a new install of 
OpenSuse. We also grabbed some Google/Josh  translated  French-language 
Fedora install instructions off the 'net, which seemed much more 
appropriate for us than the Deb we had been working with earlier.

This second install has gone much better than the first, up to the point 
now that we are actually at the Koha install point.  ./configure runs 
fine, but we get the following errors when running:

# make test


t/Dates.......................1/126 #
#  Testing Legacy Functions: format_date and format_date_in_iso
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 35
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 38
# Testing 4 formats.
# Testing no input (defaults):
# Testing with valid inputs:
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 57
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 57
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 57
Illegal date specified (year = 1952, month = 1, day = 00) at t/Dates.t line 57
t/Labels......................DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: Table 'koha.systempreferences' doesn't exist at
/opt/koha-3.00.00-beta2/blib/PERL_MODULE_DIR/C4/Context.pm line 455.
All tests successful.
Files=38, Tests=212, 30 wallclock secs ( 0.31 usr  0.06 sys + 27.34 cusr 1.56 csys = 29.27 CPU)
Result: PASS
--------------end snip-----------

Will the above two issues (illegal date and the missing "Table") be a problem that we need to correct now, or should we just go ahead with the make install?

Greg Lawson
Network Administrator
Rolling Hills Consolidated Library
1912 N. Belt Highway
St. Joseph, MO  64506

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