[Koha] Paying fines (again)?

George Adams g_adams27 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 20 08:58:10 NZDT 2008

(Koha 3.0alpha, (Gentoo) Linux 2.6.24, MySQL 5.0.56)

I appreciate all the help over the last few months.  We're about launch
our little library here at church, but I just wanted to try this
question once more:

Is there any way to have Koha tell the librarian, either during a
check-out or check-in, that the current patron has a fine on his

If it's a check-in, the patron may want to pay the fine right away.
If it's a check-out, we want to disallow the checkout (no further
borrowing until the fine is paid).

I'm sure there are existing Koha sites that do this kind of thing,

Thanks again.

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