[Koha] Merge Bib Records

Cindy Murdock cmurdock at ccfls.org
Thu Jul 31 01:53:22 NZST 2008


There's a script that can be used to merge records in our koha-tools 
collection (see http://koha-tools.sourceforge.net/get.php or 
http://kylehall.info), under 
winnebago-to-koha/trunk/zebraCompress/zebraCompress.php.  However, we've 
only used it in dev_week so it's untested in 3.0.  Note that it's only 
for versions of Koha that use zebra.

If you run it in a browser it will search for matches by ISBN, and 
display items by title, call number, itemtype, and holding branch.  Then 
you can choose to skip those matches or group them together (by 
numbering them) to be merged.  After you've gone through all the matches 
(note that it will time out if you leave the session alone for too long, 
and you'll have to start over), then you can run 
scrub_orphaned_biblios.pl (although I don't know if that script is in 
3.0) to clean out biblios that no longer have items attached, then do a 
full reindex.

Also note that it attaches the items to the last record in the match 
list.  At some point I'd like Kyle to change it so you can choose which 
record to attach them to, as the quality of the records in our catalog 
varies significantly. 

I've been using it on a virtual machine just for merging individual 
libraries' collections before migrating them into Koha, as that is all 
our library system wants at the moment. 

Cindy Murdock
IT Services Director
Meadville Public Library    | CCFLS
http://meadvillelibrary.org | http://ccfls.org

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