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Fri Feb 29 21:56:43 NZDT 2008

"What Are the Benefits of Having Yahoo! Host YUI Files?

Yahoo!'s network is located throughout the world. HTTP requests for
YUI files are evaluated to determine their geographic source and then
served from in-region server farms wherever possible. This
edge-computing system provides shorter round-trip times for packets as
compared to the use of centralized network hosts. Because YUI files
(consisting of JavaScript files, CSS files, and image resources) are
static, there need be no relationship between the server providing
these files and the server holding session information and business
logic for a given application. Moving these files off a central server
and closer to your users, therefore, should make your application more
responsive overall.

Moreover, Yahoo!'s hosting network is configured to serve JavaScript
and CSS using gzip compression. We minify YUI JavaScript before
pushing it to our servers; in combination with gzipping, this results
in a 90% reduction in transmitted filesize as compared to the
footprint of YUI's raw (and commented) source. CSS files weigh 60%
less on the wire using gzip compression. If your current host does not
support mod-gzip or mod-deflate, the advantages of using Yahoo!
hosting could be dramatic. (See "YUI: Weighing in on Pageweights" for
a full discussion of YUI filesizes.)

Finally, far-future Expires headers are issued on all static content.
This HTTP response header directs the browser to retain content in
cache (and to access it from the cache) as long as possible. Improving
your cache hit rate will reduce the amount of time your users spend
waiting for files to download."

  -- Owen

Web Developer
Athens County Public Libraries

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