[Koha] A script for converting MARC records from Sagebrush Athena

Joe Atzberger ohiocore at gmail.com
Tue Dec 23 08:59:06 NZDT 2008

Consider adding:

use strict;

use warnings;

And then fixing anything warnings complains about.  One might be changing
the order here:

if($ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help' || scalar(@ARGV) < 2 )


if ((scalar(@ARGV) < 2) || $ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help')

so that you check if the array is populated before trying to access the
[0]th element.

Also be sure to die on things that represent fatal errors, like:


should become:

open(FF4,">./$output_file") or die "Cannot write to $output_file: $!";

Because if you can't produce the output file, there isn't any reason to go
on!  This helps catch user permissions errors at runtime.


On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 12:02 PM, Jeffrey LePage
<jeffrey_lepage at yahoo.com>wrote:

> I've been trying to convert a Sagebrush Athena generated MARC export to a
> format acceptable to Koha.
> I believe I have a working script that does the conversion.
> I did the final conversion this morning, and the import with
> bulkmarcimport.pl.  I haven't had the chance to look at the catalog in
> depth, but at first glance everything seems OK.  I will now unleash the
> librarians with instructions to examine the new catalog and make sure
> everything is good.  If I find problems I'll post the new information.
> One recent change:  Apparently Koha like UTF-8, so I explicitly encode any
> strings in the MARC records as UTF08.
> For now, here's my script.  Please note, the script optionally sets the
> current and permanent branch for the books (Koha 952$a and 952$b).  If you
> don't want the branch set then don't use this option.  If you use this
> option, then the branch_code should correspond to branches.branchcode in the
> Koha DB.  Is setting the branch a bad idea?
> Use with care, no warranty is expressed or implied, blah blah blah.
> For those of you familiar with Koha/Perl, please comment.  Especially let
> me know if I'm doing something horribly horribly wrong.
> ********************************
> use MARC::Batch;
> use Encode;
> my $input_file;
> my $output_file;
> my $location;
> if($ARGV[0] eq '-h' || $ARGV[0] eq '--help' || scalar(@ARGV) < 2 )
> {
>        print "This converts a MARC file generated by Sagebrush Athena to a
> file appropriate for Koha\n\n";
>        print "Usage: perl marcconvert.pl originalmarcfile
> convertedmarcfile\n";
>        print  "\tor \n";
>        print "Usage: perl marcconvert.pl originalmarcfile convertedmarcfile
> branch_code \n\n";
>        exit;
> }
> else
> {
>        $input_file = $ARGV[0];
>        if( -f $input_file )
>        {
>                # the file exists and it is a file (not a directory or
> something else)
>        }
>        else
>        {
>                print "The input file '$input_file' does not exist\n";
>                exit;
>        }
>        $output_file = $ARGV[1];
> }
> if($ARGV[2]){ $location = encode("utf8", $ARGV[2]); }
> my $batch = MARC::Batch->new('USMARC',$input_file);
> open(FF4,">./$output_file");
> while ( my $record = $batch->next())
> {
>        my @fields = $record->fields();
>        my $newrecord = MARC::Record->new();
>        #$newrecord->leader($record->leader()); # i let MARC::Record
> generate a leader.  Is this wrong?
>        foreach my $field (@fields)
>        {
>                my $tag = $field->tag();
>                my $newfield;
>                if($tag < 10)
>                {
>                        # it has data but no indicators or subfields
>                        my $data = encode("utf8", $field->data()); # Koha
> like UTF-8, so we have to convert
>                        $newfield = MARC::Field->new($tag,$data);
>                }
>                elsif($tag eq '852')
>                {
>                        # do data conversion to 952
>                        # Sagebrush Athena puts some stuff in tag 852 but
> Koha likes it in tag 952
>                        my @subfields = ();
>                        my $athena_k = ''; # Koha 952 $o is composed of 852
> $k $h $i $m
>                        my $athena_h = ''; #Koha 952 $o is composed of 852
> $k $h $i $m
>                        my $athena_i = ''; #Koha 952 $o is composed of 852
> $k $h $i $m
>                        my $athena_m = ''; #Koha 952 $o is composed of 852
> $k $h $i $m
>                        foreach my $sub ($field->subfields())
>                        {
>                                my $data = encode("utf8", $sub->[1]);
>                                if($sub->[0] eq 't')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'t',$data);
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq '6')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'y',$data);
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'b')
>                                {
>                                        #push(@subfields,'b','FHM'); # I set
> the current and permanent branch manually - see below
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'a')
>                                {
>                                        #push(@subfields,'a','FHM'); # I set
> the current and permanent branch manually - see below
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'z')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'z',$data);
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'k')
>                                {
>                                        $athena_k = $data;
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'h')
>                                {
>                                        $athena_h = $data;
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'i')
>                                {
>                                        $athena_i = $data;
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'm')
>                                {
>                                        $athena_m = $data;
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq '9')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'g',$data);
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq '5')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'e',$data);
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq '8')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'d',$data);
>                                }
>                                elsif($sub->[0] eq 'p')
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,'p',$data);
>                                }
>                                else
>                                {
>                                        push(@subfields,$sub->[0],$data);
>                                }
>                        }
>                        #Koha 952 $o is composed of 852 $k $h $i $m
>                        my $koha_o= "$athena_k $athena_h $athena_i
> $athena_m"; #Koha 952 $o is composed of 852 $k $h $i $m
>                        $koha_o =~ s/^\s+//;
>                        $koha_o =~ s/\s+$//;
>                        $koha_o =~ s/\s{2,}/ /g;
>                        $koha_o = encode("utf8", $koha_o);
>                        push(@subfields,'o',$koha_o);
>                        if($location)
>                        {
>                                push(@subfields,'a',$location); # I set the
> current and permanent branch manually - is this a bad idea
>                                push(@subfields,'b',$location); # I set the
> current and permanent branch manually - is this a bad idea
>                        }
>                        $newfield = MARC::Field->new('952',
> $field->indicator(1), $field->indicator(2), @subfields );
>                }
>                else
>                {
>                        # no data, but has
>                        # 1) indicators (defined, but not necessarily set)
>                        # 2) subfields
>                        #
>                        # This is for all the tags >= 10 and not tag 852
>                        my @subfields = ();
>                        foreach my $sub ($field->subfields())
>                        {
>                                my $data = encode("utf8", $sub->[1]);
>                                push(@subfields,$sub->[0],$data);
>                        }
>                        $newfield = MARC::Field->new($tag,
> $field->indicator(1), $field->indicator(2), @subfields );
>                }
>                $newrecord->append_fields($newfield);
>        }
>        print FF4 $newrecord->as_usmarc();
> }
> close(FF4);
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