[Koha] Generate Barcode

Anjan Sarkar anjan.mca at gmail.com
Tue Apr 22 01:08:32 NZST 2008

Hello Sir/Madam,

  I have successfully installed Koha-2.2.9 on fedora core 7. I am getting
one problem in Parameter setting "Generate Barcode". There are several
options eg,  1. Type of Interval
2.From 3. to etc....I did't understand *Types of interval,* *from *& *to.  *In
Types of interval there r two options (a)Continous range of items (b)
Individual codes..When I click on Individual Codes..Inventory code  appear.
What it is...???
Pls give me some hints or example so that I can configure barcode.


Anjan Sarkar
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