[Koha] MySQL Error on 2.2.9 Install

Bo Schafers bo at weavebrain.com.au
Mon May 28 03:30:25 NZST 2007

Someone on the list recently asked me if I had any install errors with 
Version 2.2.9 - ?? I hope it's allright to post it here?
(Ubuntu Feisty Apache2 and MySql 5.0 server)

My question would be, what does this mean. How corrupt are my database 
tables? Is there anything that I need to do to stabilise the system?

Creating the MySQL database for Koha...

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Invalid default value for 'aqbudgetid' at 
scripts/updater/updatedatabase line 1717.
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Invalid default value for 'id' at 
scripts/updater/updatedatabase line 1717.

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creating column textmessaging
creating column password
creating column flags
creating column userid
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creating column zipcode
creating column sort1
creating column sort2
synch'ing items
creating column itemcallnumber
synch'ing biblio
synch'ing biblioitems
creating column place

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