[Koha] Install on Mac OS X

Dominic O'Toole dominicotoole at mac.com
Tue May 22 23:34:31 NZST 2007

I have tried installing Koha  -but keep on getting the same error -  
even after downloading the perl files and installing them.

Has anyone any ideas how I might get around this?


You are missing some Perl modules required by Koha. Please run this  
after installing them. They may be installed by finding packages from  
operating system supplier, or running (as root) the following commands:

perl -MCPAN -e 'install "ZOOM"'

perl -MCPAN -e 'install "You will need PDF::Reuse::Barcode for the new
barcode generator"'

perl -MCPAN -e 'install "You will need Net::LDAP if you want to  
patrons through a LDAP"'

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