[Koha] Re: Remote access to librarian interface
Ahmet Sanli
asanli at uzuncase.com
Thu Nov 23 10:57:04 NZDT 2006
The solution of this problem is to create another "VirtualServer" in the
Apache configuration file (httpd.conf). The new server will have the same
intranet definitions, but it will use a different port number (8000, 8080,
etc.). Of course, you should also add another "Listen <port#>" line. Using
different port numbers was Paul Scaer idea. Thanks Paul.
Here is the summary:
In the "c:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf\httpd.conf" file,
add "Listen 8000" right below or above the line "Listen 80" and
at the end of the file, change these lines:
NameVirtualHost *:80
<VirtualHost _default_:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster at dummy-opac
DocumentRoot /usr/koha224/opac/htdocs
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/koha224/opac/cgi-bin/
ServerName opac
ErrorLog logs/opac-error_log
CustomLog logs/opac-access_log common
SetEnv PERL5LIB "c:/usr/koha224/intranet/modules"
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster at dummy-opac
DocumentRoot /usr/koha224/opac/htdocs
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/koha224/opac/cgi-bin/
ServerName opac
ErrorLog logs/opac-error_log
CustomLog logs/opac-access_log common
SetEnv PERL5LIB "c:/usr/koha224/intranet/modules"
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster at dummy-opac
DocumentRoot /usr/koha224/intranet/htdocs
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/koha224/intranet/cgi-bin/
ServerName intranet
ErrorLog logs/intranet-error_log
CustomLog logs/intranet-access_log common
SetEnv PERL5LIB "c:/usr/koha224/intranet/modules"
<VirtualHost *:8000>
ServerAdmin webmaster at dummy-opac
DocumentRoot /usr/koha224/intranet/htdocs
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/koha224/intranet/cgi-bin/
ServerName intranet
ErrorLog logs/intranet-error_log
CustomLog logs/intranet-access_log common
SetEnv PERL5LIB "c:/usr/koha224/intranet/modules"
For remote access to
OPAC interface, write "www.mylibrary.net"
INTRANET interface, write "www.mylibrary.net:8000"
"Ahmet Sanli" <asanli at uzuncase.com> wrote in
message news:ejv9md$jca$1 at sea.gmane.org...
> Is there a way to access to the librarian interface (intranet)from a
> remote computer, over LAN or WAN? I use Apache for HTTP server.
> Thanks.
> Ahmet
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