[Koha] Alternative borrower search methods

Rosalie Blake rosalie at library.org.nz
Wed Mar 15 11:19:22 NZDT 2006

Yes, it would be useful. I have a little SQL query that meets this need, 
and that I have cause to use several times a year. It would be easier to 
have it within Koha.
Rosalie Blake
Horowhenua Lobrary Trust

Owen Leonard wrote:

>I wonder if there would be interest from other libraries in Koha providing
>options for searching borrowers. I had a request today from a librarian who
>wanted to be able to search for a borrower by email: he'd received an email
>from a borrower, but the person didn't provide any additional information
>(no name, card number, etc). The librarian wanted to know how to find out
>who the email came from.
>When working with other ILSes, I've found it useful to be able to search
>using other fields in the borrower record. For instance, you could search
>by address or phone number to find other members of the same household.
>Would this be useful to your library?
>  -- Owen
>Nelsonville Public Library
>Koha mailing list
>Koha at lists.katipo.co.nz

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