[Koha] manipulating material records

Cindy Murdock cmurdock at ccfls.org
Wed Nov 9 05:21:01 NZDT 2005

Hi gang,

Our library system has decided to migrate to Koha from Winnebago 
Circ/Cat (the ancient DOS-based version) and I'm looking for a bit of 
advice.  Koha's material records are set up so that there is a MARC 
record with multiple items attached to it.  Winnebago, on the other 
hand, has a MARC record for each individual item in the collection, so 
for example if we have ten hardcover copies of a particular book, we 
have ten MARC records for it.  Have any of you migrated from a system 
like this, and how did you do it?  Perl scripts to separate each record 
into a MARC plus an item, or somesuch?  We're just beginning to work on 
migrating, and I know this is an issue that we'll have to resolve before 
going much further.  I'm just wondering how anybody else has done it.


Cindy Murdock
Network Administrator
Meadville Public Library | Crawford County Federated Library System
meadvillelibrary.org | ccfls.org
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