[Koha] Appropriate value for ISBD preference?

Stephen Hedges shedges at skemotah.com
Tue Jun 21 00:01:05 NZST 2005

Thomas D said:
> What is an appropriate value for the ISBD system preference?
> Thomas D

Koha 2.2 can display records in a format that roughly conforms to the
International Standard Bibliographic Description standards. ISBD is a
family of standards developed by the Section on Cataloguing of the
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
to standardize, as much as possible, the descriptive portion of
bibliographic records produced in different countries. The standards
specify the descriptive elements constituting the record, their order, and
the punctuation between them. (See

In order to do this Koha requires that you fill this field with the proper
set of instructions, or formula, for organizing your MARC tags into an
ISBD-conformant display. The online help (click "Help" in the upper right
corner of the System preferences screen) provides some instructions and an
example of a French language display using UNIMARC tags.

Libraries using MARC 21 instead of UNIMARC probably have records that
already contain punctuation conforming to the Anglo-American Cataloging
Rules, second edition (AACR2). A reasonably good "AACR2" display can be
constructed for such libraries, too -- just put something like this in the
value field for the ISBD variable:

#050|<label>Call Number: </label>|{082a}{050a}{
#100|<label>Main Entry: </label>|{100a}{ 100b}{
100c}{100d}{110a}{ 110b}{130a}|<br/>
#245|<label> </label>|{245a}{ 245b}{ 245c}{ 245h}{ 246i}{ 246a}|
#260||{ 250a}{ 250b}{-- 260a}{ 260b}{ 260c}|
#300|<br/><label> </label>|{300a}{ 300b}{300c}|<br/>
#020|<br/><label> ISBN</label>|{ 020a}{ 024a}|<br/>
#440|<br/><label> </label>|{440a}{ 440v}|<br/>
#511||{511a, }|
#520|<label> </label>|{\n520a}{ 520b}|
#600|<br/><label>Subjects: </label>|{ 600a.}{
#650|<label> </label>|{\n650a }{-- 650x}{-- 650z}{-- 650y}|
#651|<label> </label>|{\n651a }{-- 651x}{-- 651z}{-- 651y}|
#852|<br/><br/><label>Held at: </label>|{\n852a}{,
852b}{, 852c}|

Note that I have not actually tried these values(!), so if you find that
they don't work or you come up with something better, please share!

Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  shedges at skemotah.com

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