[Koha] newbie questions

Stephen Hedges shedges at skemotah.com
Fri May 20 04:14:56 NZST 2005

Hi, Gavin -

Gavin McCullagh said:
> Hi,
> I'm just looking at Koha potentially for a library here in our school.
> 2. There are no indexes on the biblio table.  Is this deliberate, did I
> lose something in installation or are we expected to add our own
> afterward?

I think maybe the "index" you are looking for is the marc_word table.

> 3. The doc recommends not using mod_perl.  Is this just because it's not
> tested or is there a more specific reason?

Actually a few people are using mod_perl now.

> 4. It seems rather slow.  Each search request is taking 3-5 seconds.  The
> machine is running my desktop apps but isn't terribly stressed.

Your hardware is a little light for running the server processes required
by Koha.  Sometimes optimizing your MySQL configs helps the speed a lot.


Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  shedges at skemotah.com

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