No subject

Wed Nov 16 16:49:50 NZDT 2005

'Next copy the C4 directory (in modules/) to somewhere in your perl path eg 

If you do not have sufficient access to copy the files to the default perl 
folder (maybe you are using your ISPs hosting server) then you can copy the 
modules to any other location and add a line to apache.conf :

SetEnv PERL5LIB "[pathtoC4modules]" '

There is not much described in the koha documentation, but this is. And it 
is, as I just have learnd, the usual way to include perl modules.

Maybe you find more Information 'how to innclude perl modules' in the Perl 

But many things do not work if haven't successfully run the 
'updatedatabase' scripts in [untaredfilesDir]/scripts/update/


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