[Koha] Authorization problems between Koha and Mysql

csg7142 at students.kennesaw.edu csg7142 at students.kennesaw.edu
Sat Oct 30 17:45:44 NZDT 2004

Thank you for your quick responce.

>> DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unknown column 'password' in 'field
>> list' at
>> /usr/local/koha/intranet/modules/C4/Auth.pm line 351.
> My first thought is that the database did not install completely.
> There should be 60 or so tables. Can you check whether there are in
> your copy? (Connect to mysql and enter "show tables;" IIRC)

mysql> use Koha;
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_Koha     |
| accountlines       |
| accountoffsets     |
| additionalauthors  |
| aqbookfund         |
| aqbooksellers      |
| aqbudget           |
| aqorderbreakdown   |
| aqorderdelivery    |
| aqorders           |
| biblio             |
| biblioanalysis     |
| biblioitems        |
| bibliosubject      |
| bibliosubtitle     |
| borexp             |
| borrowers          |
| branchcategories   |
| branches           |
| branchtransfers    |
| catalogueentry     |
| categories         |
| categoryitem       |
| classification     |
| currency           |
| deletedbiblio      |
| deletedbiblioitems |
| deletedborrowers   |
| deleteditems       |
| issues             |
| items              |
| itemsprices        |
| itemtypes          |
| multipart          |
| multivolume        |
| newitems           |
| printers           |
| procedures         |
| publisher          |
| reserveconstraints |
| reserves           |
| searchstats        |
| serialissues       |
| statistics         |
| stopwords          |
| systempreferences  |
| users              |
46 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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