[Koha] Marc Field 008?

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Wed Oct 20 20:34:43 NZDT 2004

Baljkas Family a écrit :

>>We have a doubt about field 008: Does Koha uses it? How is
>When I last asked about this recently, I was told that Koha doesn't use the 008.
>I am not sure how it would be filled automatically, or even if that is what Koha tries to do with it. Otherwise, I think you'd have to create a coding sequence that would suffice for your library's needs and meet at least the minimum requirements (008 positions 6, 7-10, 11-14, 15-17, 35-37, 38 and 39).
>Properly, a cataloguer should be coding the 008 field *individually for each MARC record*, since the elements that constitute the 008 can only be coded accurately from inspection of the item being described.
An other possibility, implying some coding that could be added to 
official Koha : develop a plugin to do it automatically.
ESMP in France has developped plugins for 1xx fields, that also have 
many calculated bytes. Feel free to copy them (it's in value_builder 
directory of Koha) and modify for 008.

The 210 and 215 plugins may also be useful to see how to find a value in 
the MARC editor (and thus automatically suggest something) : the 210 
searches for the ISBN, that is in 010 field. The 215 searches for ISBN 
(010) and editor (210) to build the list of possible collections.

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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