[Koha] MICRO CDS/ISIS import into Koha?

Andres Tarallo tarallo at ort.edu.uy
Sat Oct 9 07:12:43 NZDT 2004

We're currently doing  this process (Universidad ORT, Montevideo, 
Uruguay). We've MicroISIS for DOS our cataloging system is CEPAL (very 
popular in Latin America), we run MicroISIS in Windows (9x). As far as I 
know microisis is still widely deployed in many libraries at least here 
in Uruguay (it was distributed for free), and I think similar situation 
is common to the rest of latin america.

With the help of our Librarians and some documentation from the OpenISIS 
project we're decoding the exported files (that are similar to ISO2709, 
but not conforming). We're writing our own tools to do the translation 
between ISIS maping (CEPAL) to MARC21 and the merge of our databases.

Right know we have a test instalation working, with about 1000 biblios 
retrieved from each of the two branches our university has.  We hope to 
start working in a few days in adding functionalities to Koha.

WinISIS works with MARC (I think). Welcome aboard !!!!!!!!!


Christopher L Brown-Syed wrote:

>Pardon me if this is a FAQ. Has anyone successfully exported a catalogue
>from Micro CDS/ISIS (the Unesco software of the early 1990s), and imported
>it into Koha? ISIS exported records in ISO 2709 format, I believe. By now,
>most ISIS users would have migrated to WinISIS, which had a GUI, and maybe
>different file structures. But there are still some NGOs and not for
>profits sticking to their old DOS based ISIS. 

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