[Koha] Re: More questions for migrating to koha

Stephen Hedges shedges at skemotah.com
Thu Sep 23 04:28:57 NZST 2004

Dana Huff said:
> I am confused. In other threads it has been recommended to put copies and
> other holdings information in 852 tags or to create 952 user tags. The 035
> tag is for SYSTEM CONTROL NUMBER. Is this a better alternative? Do you
> then create your own (non-MARC) subfields?

I agree, that was confusing.  You are quite right, the holdings
information (all of the information specific to each copy of a title, such
as barcode, date aquired, etc) goes into a holdings tag.  852 is very
common in MARC21, though you can define your own holdings tag, as long as
the tag number starts with "9" (like "952").  This tag gets repeated in
the MARC record -- once for each copy owned.

> I am especially interested because I am trying to load our Koha DB and
> have used 952 tags for holding information. Now I show duplicate entries
> for all item information in the intranet pages but the items show up
> correctly in the opac screens. Looking at the db, the correct items
> entries are present for each biblio. The problem seems to be in the
> marc_subfield_table table when there are multiple tag entries for the 952
> tags where there should be only one.

You are allowed to have multiple 952 tags, of course (one for each copy). 
But I assume you are looking at _two_ 952 tags for each copy?

Seems like someone else had this problem before.  Does anyone remember
that thread?  What was the solution?

> Also, I get errors when I run
> "rebuildnommarc.pl" complaining of null data in the tagorder field.

Could you go to bugs.koha.org and submit a bug report on this?


Stephen Hedges
Skemotah Solutions, USA
www.skemotah.com  --  shedges at skemotah.com

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