[Koha] documentation

Scott Scriven koha-main at toykeeper.net
Tue Aug 24 11:18:17 NZST 2004


I was just wondering what documentation is available for Koha,
and if it would be possible to keep track of it in some unified
place on koha.org.

It just occurred to me today that many of the questions people
have could be answered or handled by online documentation,
especially if it included HOWTOs for common tasks and a good
index of available info.  ...  And koha.org has no documentation
section.  At the very least, koha.org should probably have a
"Documentation" tab along with its other main navigation, and its
/doc/ directory should provide links to all known sources of
useful Koha info.

I managed to find a Koha wiki, but it is far from obvious that
it exists, or is used.  What sort of wiki is it?  Who runs it?
Does it use any sort of version control?  Does anyone review it
to keep it organized and accurate?  Does anyone import outside
articles into it, to keep things unified and accessible?

-- Scott

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