[Koha] importing, marc mapping, progress

Bigwood, David bigwood at lpi.usra.edu
Tue Aug 3 02:53:00 NZST 2004

As I see it, type of material is a form or genre and so should go into 655. Genre Headings for Fiction http://www.lcls.org/content/cataloging/general/genre_headings.pdf is a short introduction. I have used AAT http://www.getty.edu/research/conducting_research/vocabularies/aat/ terms and the Thesaurs for Graphical Materials http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/tgm2/ 

David Bigwood
bigwood at lpi.usra.edu
Lunar & Planetary Institute
Cataloging News

5. " type of  material (novel, screenplay, poem, etc: not the regular MARC
types) ..."

In the few cases where I've seen this done -- and I do think it can be very
helpful as the GMD and even SMD categories aren't often clear enough for
people and the actual coding for these aspects is limited to a near-dozen
encoded categories in position 33 of the 008 field (for book materials
anyway)-- it was **simply with a 500 note.**

Again, you could get fancier and  prescribe a local use for one of the 59x

I think I've also seen 653 used for this function. You could also probably
use the 655 for your added types of materials.

6. "... genre ..."

655 is for Index Term--Genre/Form, so genre should go here. (I don't think
I've ever seen it used for Form though)

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