[Koha] upgrade from 1.3.2 to 2.0

Robert Maynord rmaynord at ihm-school.org
Thu Jul 1 10:37:14 NZST 2004


Thank you for your response!  I followed the suggested procedure, and it 
went mostly as planned.  However, I came across a few glitches---

    * After installing Koha 2.0, I deleted the tables in the Koha
      database, and imported the data from our old Koha - all went well.
    * I then ran updatedatabase from /scripts/misc/updater -- all went
    * After using mysqldump to import the MARC parameter tables (it took
      about 10 minutes to complete) I opened Koha to see about modifying
      the MARC tables.  However, there were no default tags listed
      anywhere - even in the pull-down selectors.  So, I checked the
      database -- and there were MARC tables there, along with my
      original data. I was unsure what to modify at this point, so I
      continued to the next step.
    * There was no updatedb2marc.pl script in my /scripts/misc
      directory.  However, there was a koha2marc script.  I assumed this
      was the new name for updatedb2marc.pl, and so I used it. (The
      process took about 10 mins)
    * When I finally ran Koha, the OPAC seemed to work fine,
      searching/finding/and displaying books in our catalogue. 
    * However, in the INTRANET, the MARC search has no fields or
      subfields.  Under Parameters, there are no MARC tags for Structure
      or Links.
    * I ran a MARC check, and it says that itemnum, itemtype,
      homebranch, holdingbranch, biblio and biblionumber are not mapped.

As far as I can discern, there are four possible solutions to my 
problem: 1) Find updatedb2marc.pl somewhere since it did not come with 
my distribution.  2) Use something other than mysqldump for importing 
the parameter tables. 3) Perhaps I was supposed to add tags after adding 
the MARC parameter tables, and I didn't know how. 4) Perhaps everything 
went as it is supposed to, and now I have to find a way to fix the items 
that aren't mapped. I have no idea how to do this.

Anyway, this is an update of today's work....

Thanks again!


> Robert Maynord a écrit :
>> Hello Koha Folks!
>> It is summer, and time for our school KOHA upgrade from 1.3.2 to 
>> 2.0!  I have 2.0 installed and working on a new machine, and I have 
>> left the old 1.3.2 library machine in place -untouched- until I 
>> complete the transition - just to be sure the data is safe.  My plan 
>> is to save the data on the old machine using mysqldump - then 
>> transfer it to the new machine.
>> As of my last inquiry about the process of upgrading (August 2003) 
>> there was no script that would completely handle the process.  At 
>> that point, upgrading involved:
>>    * run update database
>>    * import MARC parameter tables
>>    * modify MARC parameter tables
>>    * run updatedb2marc.pl
>> Should I still use this process? 
> yes.
>> Would I start by importing my old database into mysql?
> yes, of course.
>> Are the above commands included with 2.0?
> MARC parameters tables are in scripts/misc/marc_datas/marc21_en
> updatedb2marc.pl is in scripts/misc/
>>   Are there documents available to help with the upgrade from 1.2.3 
>> to 2.0?
> no everything is done by the updatedatabase, except MARC populating, 
> that's why you must populate the DB manually.

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