[Koha] Importing Data

Timothy R. Butler tbutler at uninetsolutions.com
Sun Apr 27 11:09:48 NZST 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hi again,
  Mike Hansen mentioned to me that perhaps the best way to import my legacy 
data would be to use a CSV file. The question I have is, what type of 
organization should I have the CSV file and how should I import it?

  The first question, to be a bit more specific, is what data should go in 
what order in the CSV file? Is there a certain format I should use?

  The second question being should I somehow try to import the CSV directly 
into MySQL (IIRC there is a way to do this, although I've always stuck to 
using SQL format for inputting stuff) or can I some how get Koha to process 
my file?

  As I believe I mentioned before, currently I have a script that breaks apart 
the old library program's proprietary data format and then spews out what it 
gets into some other format. I can, in other words, order the data in 
whatever way I need to to import it.



- -- 
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
Timothy R. Butler       Universal Networks      www.uninet.info
==================== <tbutler at uninet.info> ====================
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