[Koha] z3950 problem

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Sat Jun 21 01:36:30 NZST 2003

Paul Gear wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Paul Gear wrote:
>>paul POULAIN wrote:
>>>This release add a lot of bugfixes, a 1st z3950 support, and a
>>>script for migration from previous ILS.
>>The z3950 support doesn't seem to work for me.
>I've made some progress on the problem.  I read your CVS commit comments
>which talked about addbiblio, i found my way to it, made a search for an
>ISBN, found no results, clicked on the add button, and found the screen
>which has the z3950 search button.
>What now?  How does processz3950queue know what to look for?  If i type
>in the ISBN in the right field and click "z3950 search", it searches for
>nothing.  A quick query of the mysql database confirms that nothing is
>in the z3950queue table.
>How do i tell the interface to search for my ISBN?  I'm sure i'm missing
>something simple, but the answer is not intuitive...
In the 1.9.3 there is a very annoying bug : you can only search on ISBN 
and you must be MODIFYING a biblio, not ADDING one.
Both are fixed in cvs.

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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