[Koha] Introduction and qustions
paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon May 26 22:28:08 NZST 2003
Pat Eyler wrote:
>>As a test I have uploaded a collection of MARC records to the breeding
>>farm (the LOC MarcMaker/Breaker test files). It notes that 8 records
>>were successfully uploaded. However, I am not able to get them into the
>>catalog either by ISBN or title. Is this feature functional yet?
this feature is functionnal, BUT (for the 50th time... we need a FAQ
about it :-) ), the breeding farm is NOT for ACTIVE biblios, but only
for biblios you want to put somewhere, and be able to include them when
Migration from another ILS needs bulkmarcimport, which is uptodate in 1.9.3
>>When I click on " Add biblio without ISBN/ISSN" I get a list of the
>>numbers 1-10. Clicking on all available links appear to do nothing.
>>What should this page do/display?
this feature is functionnal, but the MARC21 parameters tables are a
little un-complete for instance. I'm still waiting for someone sending
me a nice MARC21-in-english parameters tables for inclusion in official
You can do whatever you want with Parameters-admin / MARC parameters tables.
>>Has anyone tweeked bulkmarcimport.pl yet for the 1.9 series? Or are
>>the tables structures betwen the 1.2 and 1.9 series different enought
>>that the most efficient way to proceed with mass import would be to
>>create a new script based around the NEWnewbibilio() function?
The nes bulkmarcimport IS in the 1.9.3
>>Finally, if Koha 2.0 would solve any/many of these issues I can wait.
>>Is there an estimated data of release?
>Koha 2.0.0 should solve most/all of your problems ... we don't have a firm
>release date for it yet, but we certainly do have a lot of motivation to
>get it out the door quickly. There are 81 bug reports left in the queue
>(thought more might be added if we find them along the way), most of those
>need to be closed before 2.0.0 goes out the door. (I'll leave the
>divination of a release date to Paul, the 2.0 release manager.)
My pithy doesn't say anything :-(
Only "3rd millenium"...
>I do expect 1.9.3 to be released next week, and this should help smooth
>out some of your issues.
1.9.3 is here.
>>Thank you for any assistance in adopting Koha.
>Thanks for getting involved. Welcome to the team,
Welcome to the team that won the 1st tropheedulibre conquest :-D
Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)
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